La résolution de problèmes est notre passion… découvrez-nous!
Notre objectif est de résoudre les problèmes les plus difficiles des sciences de la vie en collaborant avec la communauté scientifique mondiale. Grâce à cela, nous visons à accélérer l'accès à une meilleure santé pour tous, partout dans le monde.
Nous fournissons aux scientifiques et aux ingénieurs les meilleurs matériels, technologies et services de laboratoire. Grâce à l'association de Merck Millipore et de Sigma-Aldrich en 2015, nous disposons désormais d'un vaste portefeuille de 300 000 produits, d'une couverture mondiale élargie et d'une plate-forme de commerce électronique de pointe,
Nous nous engageons à rendre la recherche et la production biotechnologique plus simples, plus rapides et plus sûres.
Our purpose is to solve the toughest problems in life science by collaborating with the global scientific community – and through that, we aim to accelerate access to better health for people everywhere.
We provide scientists and engineers with best-in-class lab materials, technologies and services. With the 2015 combination of Merck Millipore and Sigma-Aldrich, we now have a broad portfolio of 300,000 products, an expanded global footprint and an industry-leading eCommerce platform -
We are dedicated to making research and biotech production simpler, faster and safer.
Serve customers focused on identifying and developing medicines.
Process Solutions
Deliver end-to-end products and expertise to customers who take what is developed in labs and manufacture it.
Applied Solutions
Support customers in ensuring that drugs, food and beverages are safe for consumption.
We are a leading supplier to the global Life Science industry: solutions and services for research, development and production of biotechnology and pharmaceutical drug therapies.
Merck brings together 6 of the world’s leading Life Science brands
to help you solve your toughest problems in life science.
We understand that in research, diagnostics and production, access to lab materials and answers, is critical to progress and success.
That’s why Merck offers the Sigma-Aldrich® portfolio, a strong and always-expanding portfolio of lab and production materials. Our products are designed to be simple and efficient to help keep our customers’ important work moving forward. And through our technical support and our scientific partnerships, we help connect our customers to a whole world of progress.
And because we share our customers’ quest for scientific advancement, we dedicate ourselves to supporting them at every step.